Main dialogue
Could you help me collect some badges from the Stormbreakers, those knight-like creatures clad in red armor that are using lightning-type weapons, as means to research the source of the problem?
Well met, adventurer. I am Lukan de Vrisien, knight of the Crimsonwood Keep. As one would expect from someone that guards their territory, they should know where they are and how well things are faring about what they are guarding. Strangely enough, I can't recognize these woods recently and, on top of that, many monsters just started wandering around.
Main dialogue
Oh, great. You have done your job completing this challenge. I now can trust you are not linked to those Stormbreakers. You see, my position is that of a knight in the Stormcaster army, hailing from the Crimsonwood Keep. Right now I am lost on this foggy forest, looking for a way to the Keep.
What? Crimsonwood Keep is history? What are you talking about?! ... Well, given the fact that many monsters have simply appeared mysteriously, and I'm in fact disorientated by the forest itself, it seems reasonable to say that I might have come from another time.