Hello, I see you just helped Lazy Daisy in confronting those aliens, and the reward was anything but a nuisance, I must say. Well done!
Well, I have a favor to ask you. I must collect some items you may have come across or you will come soon. If you bring me those items, I can get you some new Maple gears. Will you help me out?
Good. This task will be handled in format of an exam. This item you will receive now MUST NOT be traded or dropped, it is part of your mission and you must take care of it until the completion. Good luck!
Well, all right then. See you.
Required items
Magic Box
Moon Rock
Star Rock
Piece of Ice
Processed Wood
Resulting items
Magic Box
Moon Rock
Star Rock
Piece of Ice
Processed Wood
Maple Gage
Maple Hat (1)
Main dialogue
The items are all here. You got it, you passed! Take these gears and use them wisely.