Main dialogue
Ok! My question is: what's better... Maplemas or Versalmas?\r\n\r\n#L0#Versalmas?! What are you talking about, little girl? There's no such thing as Versalmas!#l\r\n#L1#Listen, little girl, I've got more important things to do than answer stupid kid questions.#l
I'm not little! I'm 10 years old! And there is too such a thing as Versalmas! O-Pongo told me all about it!\r\n\r\n#L0#O-Pongo? Um, right... I suppose this "O-Pongo" is your invisible "friend."#l
No, silly! O-Pongo is real! He's right here in New Leaf City... go look if you don't believe me! He's just like Maple Claws except he's big and green and a mouse and wears purple instead of red!\r\n\r\n#L0#Ok...#l
Well, maybe he's not exactly alike, but he's the Maple Claws from his world -- the world of Versal! O-Pongo told me all about it! He told me about how it's usually dark but that the sun shines day after day after Versalmas comes and how all the kids dance and sing together and get special treats and candies! It sounds very exciting--more exciting than Maplemas! Well, maybe not more-- I do like all the presents I get from my parents on Maplemas. But you get presents for Versalmas too! I was already going to ask Maple Claws for a new pair of skis and other stuff, but I don't know what kind of presents since I've never had Versalmas before... so maybe Versalmas presents are even better! But Maplemas Trees are so pretty and I love decorating them! So-- Oh, I don't know! Both holidays sound so good but I don't know if I'm allowed to celebrate both...\r\n
Yayyyyyyy! Please, go talk to O-Pongo! He can tell you all about Versalmas! And please speak to Maple Claws too... she's in Happyville as usual, of course! I'm sure you know this already but you can get to Happyville by speaking to Rooney, and she'll take you there. Then come back and tell me which holiday I should celebrate! I've been working on my wishlist all year long and I know I'm going to get everything on it because I've been a really good girl! Please, hurry! I need to know who's bringing me presents this year!\r\nI can't wait to hear back from you! Both holidays sound so great! I can't wait to celebrate, uh--the right holiday!
Required quests
Main dialogue
So, you spoke to both of them? And what did they say? Really? Uh-huh. And? Maple Claws said that? Wow... I love her! And what about Versalmas? O-Pongo said that? Really?! Wow. I'm really glad you told me that. I feel like I know much more about both holidays now!