Main dialogue
Hello traveler, the Gate of Time has opened once more and I, the God of Goods, have descended back to the world of Maple to bless you. Alas, you must have the "Mind of Maple" with you in order to be blessed.
Okay, now it's time for you to prove your worth to me. You must first visit Chief Stan in Victoria Island and prove your worth to him. Go get a Piece of Mind of Maple from Chief Stan and a Maple Necklace Chain by hunting monsters and bring them back to me.
Resulting items
Main dialogue
Great work. You must have won him over. I will give you the material needed to restore the "Mind of Maple" Let's combine our powers and restore this together.
The "Mind of Maple" is now recovered. Unfortunately, the true power of this necklace has yet to be realized. To awaken this necklace requires the power of the guardian spirit. If you can bring me the Maple Necklace Gem that carries the power of the guardian spirit, I will be ready to awaken the "Mind of Maple."