Amoria : Cupid's Courier - Magician
Quest Line : Cupid's Courier - Magician
Lv. 35+
Available to jobs
FP Wizard
IL Wizard
FP Mage
IL Mage
FP Archmage
IL Archmage
Thank husband, Richard, is a sailor on Tae Gong's ship over in Aqua Road. He works all the time and I do love him, but I barely get to see him. I would like to send a few things to him, but I don't know how to fight. I'll need you to gather Lunar Pixie's Moonpiece and bring them to him on the boat along with the letter I wrote for him. If you do so, I'll have something nice for you when you get back.
Main dialogue
Howdy, I'm working, so I only have a second to talk. Oh... are you from Angelique? My buttercup always loves to send me things. Let me see what you've got there.