...Woe is me... I promised to make my wife this flower called the Red Dahlia, but I can't gather the materials-the creatures are too strong. I need someone to head out and gather them for me. It's very special flower, and I'm sure you could do it.
Excellent. Bring me back 30 Stiff feathers and 3 Diamond Ore and I can give you something I found that may help you...
That's unfortunate... if you run into anyone who's brave and wants to help someone in love, send them my way.
Required items
Diamond Ore
Stiff Feather
Resulting items
Diamond Ore
Stiff Feather
Scroll for Shoes for Speed 60%
Main dialogue
Wow! You got them all! I can't wait to see the look on my wife's face when she sees the flower. Thank you so much! As promised, I have something for you, I hope you like it!
Thanks again for all your help, the Red Dahlia turned out great!