Maple Administrator
2nd Anniversary : Birthday Present (Blue)
Lv. 31+
Main dialogue
MapleStory is having its second birthday bash, and we're going to celebrate it big time! We'd like to thank you, are you ready for the Birthday Quest?
Great! Please bring a Blue Birthday Present to me, and I'll help you open it. What you get will be a surprise!
I see~ Please remember that this event ends soon, so if you want to take a crack at it later, then please talk to me!
Required items
Birthday Present (Blue)
Resulting items
Birthday Cake
Blue Maple Bandana
White Maple Bandana
Yellow Maple Bandana
Red Maple Bandana
Wow, that was pretty fast! Aren't you ready to open up your present?
Tada~ Here's your present! Hope you like what you see in it!! Thank you so much for helping us celebrate MapleStory's second birthday!