Hey! Nice to see you on this hot summer day. Makes me want to snag something to drink. Think you can help me out with a little barbecue?
Enthusiasm! Always good to see. Well, I'm preparing a barbecue for some of friends and we're running low on ingredients. It starts pretty soon, so I'll need you to gather 30 4031658 (4031658), After that I can finish the barbecue! Thanks a bunch. I'll be waiting!
Er, Maple BBQ isn't exactly animal meat if you are in any case vegetarian, but I understand. Come back if you change your mind!
Required items
Resulting items
Maple BBQ
Main dialogue
Fantastic! Everything's here. I'll be able to whip some mighty fine barbecue now! I've got some serious cooking to do. Now just give me a minute...
Yes, I'm done cooking! This BBQ turned out to be just right! Here, take one of these BBQs I cooked with the ingredients you gave. It's still hot, so be careful with it!