Hey there~ What? You lost the 01002508 that I made you? Oh no... without 01002508, you won't be able to enjoy the party as much... would you like another 01002508?
I should have some extra around here, so I'll give you another one. Okay...where is it...hmmm...hey, I may need to look for it a bit, so talk to me in a few minutes...
I guess you don't need 01002508. The party won't be the same without 01002508.. If you need another one, please come see me~
Required items
Maple Hat (1)
Resulting items
Maple Hat (1)
Main dialogue
Phew, I found it. Here's another 01002508. That was my last hat, so please don't lose it again!
And like I told you, please go see 1002100 at Lith Harbor. She told me she was going to the party, but I haven't heard from her since, and I'm a bit concerned right now. Thanks!