Stop the Wedding
Lv. 30+
Summary: You need to eliminate #bKing Pepe#k and his #b3 Yeti Brothers#k.
Reward: EXP 33,000\r\n
Demand: EXP 33,000\r\n
Required quests
Main dialogue
Hello, dear hero. I have been keeping up with your phenomenal work from what my men have been reporting to me. (Cough) I am but a foolish king that lost his castle... It's embarassing to have to see you like this. Since my Prime Minister is nowhere to be found, you are literally our only hope. Please slay King Pepe and rescue my 1300002.
King Pepe is trying to arrange a marriage with his dumb son and my 1300002. I must prevent that wedding from taking place, so I need you to defeat King Pepe. He has three Yeti brothers guarding him at all times, so it won't be an easy task. Best of luck to you.