Required quests
Main dialogue
For you? Always. I can't thank you enough? Masteria wouldn't exist without you!\r\n#L0#Thanks Icebyrd, but I want to know something.
Fire away.\r\n#L0#What does all this mean? You mentioned so many things the last time we spoke...I have a feeling there's something you're still not telling me.
Perception can always sense an unseen target. Sometimes I wonder about the paths we take, the decisions we make. Is our fate something we can truly change? Or are we merely doomed to repeat the actions of history? This question is what originally led me here...and I received an answer that led to my sacrifice in establishing New Leaf City. I was sworn to secrecy until the truth could be revealed. As you have proved yourself time and time again, you have earned my trust as well as someone else's. I will tell you why I established New Leaf City.
I remember waking up in a different place...and a being of light spoke to me. It called itself ‘Subani' and offered me a chance to help stop the coming reign of terror. Subani told me that a mystic anchor was needed to bring a fabled lost continent back from the realm of Versal, a world which could not be helped, as the being was too powerful. The one condition was that I could never leave the continent. Ever. I agreed without hesitation.
Main dialogue
I remember way back, when I still lived in Kerning City; I had a dream...or perhaps a nightmare. I saw everything working in a twisted sense of order, everyone in the Maple World had a vacant look upon their face, and the sky itself had turned black. I saw a terrifying beast, large, powerful, with endless arms. I saw pure misery - nothing could match its strength. It had taken over the Maple World. I remember seeing my friends as slaves to this horrible beast, and I remember the voice which told me I could stop it.
The next thing I knew, I stood in this very spot. Subani helped me construct the city, the spirit's light growing dimmer with each task of strength. Finally, when the city was finished, Subani told me that I could not tell a soul of what I knew, until the time was right. I had to let things happen as if I knew nothing. Then, Subani was gone...vowing to return when most needed. To see you standing here before me proves that you have the strength, courage and honor to be a new hero of Masteria. The storm is still coming, but I like our chances with you around.