All taken away!
Quest Line : Malek's Joy of Music
Lv. 50+
Reward: Exp 30,000\r<br/>10,000 Meso\r<br/>
Demand: Exp 30,000\r<br/>10,000 Meso\r<br/>
Required quests
Main dialogue
Gee, do you know what an 9420528 is? It is one of the most frustrating monsters to handle around this area. They not only take away our 4000466s, but also use it as a threat against us!
We're so relieved that you're back. Sad to say that the previous Rebabs that you had gathered for us were snatched back by the Emo Slimes.
The Rebabs could be a deadly weapon for Emo Slimes once they're all angry and upset. They will not hesitate to use them against us. We need more Rebabs to lure the Emo Slimes out and put them to sleep by playing one of the secret songs, which is our traditional way of taking care of them. Could you be of help to us?
Please go and collect 150 4000466s while we're digging up one big hole to lure them into it.
Oh please... 9420528 may appear rather stupid, but they could be a deadly threat to the whole Kampung village.
Main dialogue
Wow! You just made it right on time, successfully collecting 150 4000466s!