The Plot to Kidnap Tylus!
Quest Line : Conspiracy of kidnapping Tylus
Available to jobs
Dark Knight
Main dialogue
Is this a plan to kidnap 2020008?! Did you get it from 8150000? I wonder what's the motive? If 8150000 is behind this, it must be up to no good. 8150000 used to steal our magical accessories...
You should stop the Crimson Barlog's plans by all means. That is why you have come to hand me this letter. You have a fight ahead of you...
But it doesn't say in the letter where he will kidnap him. I can say the plan is not finalized. Rather, somebody else has got the other information about this plot. Go to see 2032001. She would know where to find out more!
Huh? Are you just standing in 240010501 to kill time? It's very quiet here and boring.
Main dialogue
What's the matter? You came to someone else's house without permission. I don't want to talk to a rude person! Why are so you hasty? ...2081100? He's annoying even after becoming a Bishop. So, what's the matter?