It's been a while. Thank you so much for last time.
That item from the other day? Well, I looked into it, and that item was... already part of the information I gathered up. I'm so sorry; you must have went through hell and back to collect those items.
This time up, I'd like you to gather up something else. Can you help me out? This time, it's really going to be written in the document, so this one is for real.
Thank you! Now can you please gather up 50 4000144s that can be found through 6230500?
Oh well... just a little more, and I'll be done with this book ... can you recommend someone of your caliber for me?
Required items
Free Spirit
Resulting items
Free Spirit
Dark scroll for Bottomwear for Jump 30%
Dark scroll for Shoes for Jump 30%
Dark scroll for Shoes for Speed 30%
Dark scroll for Cape for DEX 30%
Dark scroll for Shoes for DEX 30%
Dark scroll for Earring for DEX 30%
Dark scroll for Gloves for ATT 30%
Dark scroll for Overall Armor for DEX 30%
Dark scroll for Earring for INT 30%
Dark scroll for Overall Armor for INT 30%
Main dialogue
Wahh, thank you so much! I think I can finally finish the book with this.
As a reward, I'll give you this. I'm sure this'll help you in some way shape or form. Please put it to good use.