Required quests
Main dialogue
The lost page of the archive was found at a rather interesting place. Mr. Wetbottom, who stays at the VIP Sauna, well, his ancestory had it.\nObserving only far objects like a lighthouse, your focus does not match right when looking close. I think it means assuming someone's personality based on the appearance is never a good thing.
Now, onto the real thing, I really don't think we can easily obtain this, either. The skills behind the 3rd Herb reads like this.
...\nWhat kind of an ominous herb is this?? This herb cannot be placed near a human being, so seal up the force in a spherical object, and never let it see the day of light again...
That's what it says here. Compared to the herbs before this, I really don't have much counted on this, but I really do not want to give up on this right now, just because of the more treacherous path it leads to obtain it.
For someone like you, who found 2 of 3, I am confident that you can find the 3rd one. I will spare no expense in searching for this Herb. We're here, so might as well finish the job, right?
Main dialogue
Hmmm, so you're telling me 4000129 is the herb?
Ahh, I see I see! I thought this was nothing more than a hat accessory, but this was in fact possessed by the Lazy Buffy. Yes, I can feel the force from here. I can't believe the 3rd Herb is actually inside this.
Wait, something that cannot be next to humans... hmmm ... I see! I have no idea how to remove this. The outer layer is thinly covered by another layer, and I can't even touch it. The herb is definitely being sealed up inside the marble...! Pretty much what the archive said came true.
No, not yet. It's too early to give up on this. It may have been impossible to remove the sphere back in the day, but if we apply modern science to this, then...!