Required quests
Main dialogue
Are you here, traveler? I have been waiting for you. I have heard much about you through Mr. Moneybags. I have a test for you that will prove your worth. I want you to gather up 5 types of maple pieces by hunting monsters around town. Are you up for it?
Piece of Courage is dropped by Wild Boars, Dark Axe Stumps, and Axe Stumps that can be found around Perion.
Piece of Wisdom is dropped by Orange Mushrooms, Pigs, and Ribbon Pigs that can be found around Henesys.
Piece of Accuracy is dropped by Octopus', Blue Mushrooms, and Bubblings that can be found around Kerning City.
Piece of Dexterity is dropped by Green Mushrooms, Slimes, and Lupins that can be found around Ellina.
Piece of Freedom is dropped by Evil Eyes, Curse Eyes, and Jr. Neckis that can be found around Sleepywood Dungeon.
Required items
Resulting items
I knew you wouldn't disappoint. The reason I have asked you to gather these up is not only to test your abilities, but because these pieces are required to create something special. Now wait as I make the pendant for the "Mind of Maple."